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Sprache: DEUTSCHSeiten: 118-121https://doi.org/10.20446/JEP-2414-3197-35-1-118
Eder, Julia; Burton, Eric

Rezension: Felix Wemheuer (Hg.): Marx und der globale Süden. Neue Kleine Bibliothek 227. Köln: PapyRossa Verlag 2016.

Rezension: Felix Wemheuer (Hg.): Marx und der globale Süden. Neue Kleine Bibliothek 227. Köln: PapyRossa Verlag 2016. (digital)

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Smet, Koen

Rosa Luxemburg’s Importance for Heterodox Economics and the Global South

Sprache: ENGLISHSeiten: 4-16https://doi.org/10.20446/JEP-2414-3197-35-1-4
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Schmidt, Ingo

Luxemburg’s Theory of Accumulation and Imperialism: More than a Classic

Sprache: ENGLISHSeiten: 17-40https://doi.org/10.20446/JEP-2414-3197-35-1-17
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This article first explains the different methodological approaches of Luxemburg’s theory of imperialism as compared to those of Hilferding and Lenin. It then recapitulates her main argument that capital accumulation relies on the expansion into non-capitalist environment. Based on the understanding that such expansion is not necessarily geographical, but can also occur within non-capitalist spheres and strata in countries already dominated by the capitalist mode of production, the article uses Luxemburg’s arguments to explain the Keynesian and neoliberal waves of accumulation. It also demonstrates that capitalist expansion takes on historically specific forms. Each of these forms provides only so much room for expansion, once this is exhausted a major crisis occurs.

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Shah, Anil

Luxemburg Meets Schumpeter: Understanding Contemporary Socio-Ecological Conflicts as Processes of Destructive Creation

Sprache: ENGLISHSeiten: 41-64https://doi.org/10.20446/JEP-2414-3197-35-1-41
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This paper develops a theoretical framework to understand contemporary socio-ecological conflicts in the context of capitalist development. Drawing on almost 2,400 cases mapped in the Environmental Justice Atlas (EJA), it outlines major characteristics of these struggles. It is suggested that these struggles are best understood as class struggles of a distinct form. While traditional class struggles focus on the capital-labour relation situated in the visible zone of commodity production, socio-ecological conflicts are analysed through a reinterpretation of Rosa Luxemburg’s theory of imperialism as value struggles between capitalist and non-capitalist modes of (re)production. The implications for capitalist development are highlighted by introducing the inversion of Joseph Schumpeter’s famous Creative Destruction, thus Destructive Creation. As frontier-making processes, these conflicts are conceptualised as dynamic limits to capital and therefore are an important terrain for socio-ecological transformation.

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creative destruction, primitive accumulation, socio-ecological conflicts, environmental justice

Zuckerhut, Patricia

Pluriversale Verschränkungen kosmozentrischer und egozentrischer Ontologien der maseualmej im mexikanischen Cuetzalan

Sprache: DEUTSCHSeiten: 65-91https://doi.org/10.20446/JEP-2414-3197-35-1-65
  • Abstract
  • Literatur
  • Keywords

Der Beitrag fasst Weiterentwicklungen von Rosa Luxemburgs Analyse des Kapitalismus als System, das auf der fortgesetzten Ausbeutung nicht kapitalistisch wirtschaftender Bereiche beruht, zusammen. Diese Theorien bleiben jedoch der im kapitalistischen System vorherrschenden naturalistischen Ontologie verhaftet. Ein Aufbrechen dieser Ontologie, und damit eine Dekolonisierung des Denkens und Seins bedürfen der wertschätzenden Anerkennung anderer Ontologien und ihrer dialogischen Verschränkung (Pluriversalität) sowie entsprechenden Handelns. Diese dialogische Verschränkung ist allerdings nicht nur eine Angelegenheit von dekolonial orientierten Wissenschafter_innen. Der Beitrag zeigt, wie sich die von Prozessen fortgesetzter ursprünglicher Akkumulation betroffene indigene Bevölkerung, die maseualmej des mexikanischen Bezirks Cuetzalan del Progreso, über eine solch pluriversale Verschränkung unterschiedlicher Ontologien ihrer endgültigen Kolonisierung entzieht.

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Fortgesetzte ursprüngliche Akkumulation, Ontological Turn, Dekolonisierung, Indigene Cuetzalans (Mexiko), Pluriversalität

Bond, Patrick

Luxemburg’s Critique of Capital Accumulation, Reapplied in Africa

Sprache: ENGLISHSeiten: 92-117https://doi.org/10.20446/JEP-2414-3197-35-1-92
  • Abstract
  • Literatur
  • Keywords

Rosa Luxemburg’s Accumulation of Capital provided Africa’s first known Marxist account of class, race, gender, society-nature and regional oppressions. She was far ahead of her time in grappling with the theory and practice of capitalist/non-capitalist relations that today not only characterise Western multinational corporate extraction but also that of firms from several contemporary ‘emerging’ economies. This article contends that in her tradition, two recent areas of analysis now stand out, even if they have not yet received sufficient attention by critics of underdevelopment: the expanded understanding of value transfers from Africa based on natural resource depletion; and the ways that collaborations between imperial and subimperial national powers (and power blocs) contribute to Africa’s poverty. Using these two newly-revived areas of enquiry, several aspects of Luxemburg’s Accumulation of Capital stand out for their continuing relevance to the current conjuncture in contemporary Africa: capitalist/non-capitalist relations; natural resource value transfer; capitalist crisis tendencies and displacements; imperialism then and imperialism/subimperialism now; and the need to evolve from protests to solidarities through socialist ideology.

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accumulation by dispossession, Africa, imperialism, natural resources, subimperialism

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