Enacting the Future: Environmental Activism Worldwide
- Abstract
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- Keywords
The consequences of environmental changes are notable on a worldwide scale. Recent forms of self-organisation emerge to address these and their possible causes, in the process becoming a global phenomenon. While these different forms of environmental activism operate on a multinational scale, there is a disconnect with many ‘local’ movements, especially from the Global South. In this introduction, we emphasise post- and decolonial perspectives on environmental movements and find three key differences between environmental activism in societies of the Global North and the Global South: these are the movement’s understanding of nature, the forms of mobilisation, and the contexts and material conditions.
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environmental movements, future, coloniality, activism worldwide, post-colonialism
Images of Nature in Online Climate Activism in Germany and Argentina: Science, Affect and Non-Human ‘Everybodies’
- Abstract
- Literatur
- Keywords
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‘You Can’t Let Yourself Be Overcome by Fear’. The Experience of Mexican Climate Activists
- Abstract
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The climate movement is the subject of several studies in the Global North, but we know little about the experience of climate activists in the Global South these days. By analysing climate activism in Mexico, this paper shows how the repression and social inequality suffered by environmental activists lead climate activists to feel emotions such as fear, anguish, worry, pain, anger, distrust, as well as frustration and powerlessness. This paper is based on a sociocultural approach to studying activism that includes its emotional dimension, through qualitative analysis to understand more deeply climate activism from the Global South.
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Emotions, climate activism, Mexico, activists’ experience, climate justice
Ecological Uprisings in the European Periphery: Serbian Environmental Movements against Authoritarian Extractivism
- Abstract
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In the Post-Yugoslav region, ecological movements have become the most radical oppositional contestation in a context of increasingly authoritarian post-transition regimes. In Serbia, where the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) has been monopolising power since 2012, a protest cycle around ecological destruction has recently been unfolding. The article portrays how these conflicts and actors have emerged in resistance to an extractivist regime, which is implemented by local political-economic elites as well as fractions of international capital and institutions. It discusses how the ecological movements navigate in a context where politics is a deeply discredited concept, and shows how these movements have partially shifted from a strictly apolitical self-under- standing to a green-leftist political identity, even forming an electoral alliance.
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environmental movements, authoritarian regimes, extractivism, Serbia
Defending Livelihoods: Reflections on Environmental and Social Movements and Examples of Social-Ecological Conflicts in Colombia and Ecuador from a Materialist Perspective
- Abstract
- Literatur
- Keywords
Colombia and Ecuador are sites of violent conflicts over the exploitation of natural resources related to extractivism. Within these struggles, different interrelated political actors are involved, and multiple configurations of social-ecological relations can be explored. We analyse two specific examples of resource conflicts, and the environmental and social organisations involved, from a materialist perspective, focusing on the (re)production of power relations and paying attention to the historical developments of social and environmental movements in Colombia and Ecuador. Our research indicates that environmental and social struggles cannot be separated. However, depending on the social, political and economic context, actors respond differently, creating tensions that are often fuelled by state institutional arrangements that do not address the root causes of the conflicts.
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An Open Pit of Procedural Violence: Insights From an Indigenous Struggle Against Coal Mining in Jharkhand, India
- Abstract
- Literatur
- Keywords
Indigenous communities are at the forefront of many environmental conflicts in India. The involvement of indigenous communities in such conflicts and the subsequent struggles give rise to multiple levels of oppression due to historical and social relations of exclusion and marginalisation.
This article traces an in-depth history of a particular struggle for community forest rights and against coal mining in eastern India, involving indigenous people. The analysis is based on fieldwork consisting of in-depth interviews and direct observation, as well as an extensive survey of secondary literature, including grey literature. This paper concludes that applying concepts developed in the Global North, such as procedural justice, without recognising the vastly different socio-political, cultural and historical contexts, leads to a coloniality of knowledge. To counter this, the article introduces the idea of procedural violence instead, emphasising the overwhelming experience of oppression, whereby direct and structural violences sustain procedural injustices. The article also makes the case for a more methodologically diverse, theoretically plural practice of scholarship on environmental justice activism.
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Ackern gegen das Anthropozän. Der kleinbäuerliche Weg der Revolution
- Abstract
- Literatur
- Keywords
Dieser Artikel diskutiert, inwiefern die Bäuer_innen des kleinbäuerlichen Bündnisses La Via Campesina, das als größte soziale Bewegung der Welt gilt, in der Art und Weise, wie sie Landwirtschaft betreiben gegen die materielle Zerstörung, die das Anthropozän beschreibt, und in ihren politischen Forderungen gegen die (post-)kolonialen, extraktivistischen Logiken, die das Anthropozän ausmachen, anwirken. Die bäuerlichen, auf Ernährungssouveränität und Agrarökologie fußenden Praktiken werden vor dem Hintergrund verschiedener Theorien präfigurativen Wandels, insbesondere den Ansätzen Barbara Muracas, Cecilia Dinersteins und Eva von Redeckers diskutiert. Es wird aufgezeigt, wie die Bäuer_innen in Zwischenräumen des Jetzt Fürsorge (Care) für das übernehmen, was wir Natur nennen, und wie dies in veränderte, zukunftsfähige Mensch-Natur-Verhältnisse münden kann, die Grundlage für einen allumfassenden sozialökologischen Wandel sein können.
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