Schwerpunktredaktion: Johannes Jäger, Lukas Schmidt
Print ISSN: 0258-2384│Online ISSN: 2414-3197
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Global Green Finance and Sustainability: Insights for Progressive Strategies
- Abstract
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Green finance has been increasingly presented as being an effective solution to global environmental problems and climate change. However, today’s global financial structures tend to reproduce global inequali-ties and contribute to continued, highly unequal over-use and destruction of the environment, as well as a global ecological crisis. This paper introduces the topic with a specific emphasis on green finance, and provides an over-view of the contributions to this special issue on Global Finance and Socio-Ecological Transformation. We discuss the implications of global green finance and propose a typology that differentiates between neoliberal, reformist and progressive transformative types of green finance. Based on this, we present insights for progressive strategies and policies for financing a socio-ecological transformation towards global sustainable welfare.
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Green Finance, Sustainability, Socio-ecological Transforma-tion, Strategies, Environmental Policies
The Global Political Economy of Green Finance: A Regulationist Perspective
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Green finance is often presented as being essential for sustainability. In the tradition of critical political economy, this paper focuses on (green) finance and its impact on the use of natural resources and the environment. Given the global dimension of many environmental problems and the economic interconnections of the use of global natural resources, the paper takes a global view, focusing in particular on global asymmetries and dependency relation-ships between core and periphery. Against this background, global financial structures and the role of green finance, and their implications, are analysed. However, adopting a regulationist perspective, this paper discusses different forms of green finance, their regulation, and the implications for national devel-opment models and the environment. Neoliberal green finance, reformist green finance and progressive transformative green finance are distinguished. We conclude that neoliberal forms of green finance tend to deepen core-periphery dependencies and to contribute to a highly unequal and growing (over-)use of nature and a transfer of natural resources from the core to the periphery. In part, reformist forms of green finance may change this. However, in order to stop the global, highly uneven over-use of nature, a progressive transformative form of green finance is needed to contribute to a fundamental socio-ecological transformation that ends the unequal over-use of natural resources.
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Green finance, sustainability, critical political economy, regulation theory, global development
On The Transformative Potential of the 'Green New Deal'
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This article examines the transformative potential of various Green New Deal concepts that are currently being discussed in response to multiple crisis symptoms of globalised capitalism. The main focus is on the development of a systematic analytical framework, which will allow the defi-nition and assessment of the transformative potential of different political programmes. Throughout three constitutive characteristics of capitalist produc-tion (separation of wage labour and property, of enterprises among themselves and of the totality of enterprises and the state), three levels of transformation are presented (redistribution, socialisation and planning). Subsequently, different Green New Deal concepts are examined in order assess to what extent they can contribute to a transformation of capitalism.
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Green New Deal, Transformation, Economic Policy, Economic Planning, Reformism, Alternatives to Capitalism, Mode of Production
Financial Innovation, Macroeconomic Stability and Sustainabilty
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It is claimed that financial innovation meets the demanded changes in economic investment towards environmental sustainability and a transition towards low-carbon economies. While the underlying narrative for the proposed transition of economic structures highlights the necessity to search for an economic alternative to the profit-seeking resource-based produc-tion mode advocated by mainstream neoliberal economists, it becomes evident that the suggested tools of financial innovation to promote environmentally friendly investment, namely green finance, further promote neoliberal market forces to a large extent. After critically evaluating tools of green finance, this paper discusses the possibilities of strong institutional embeddedness of new green finance tools in order to mitigate the former’s negative effects.
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China’s demand for commodities and its role as an investor and creditor in the global periphery are closely connected. In the past two decades, China’s external policies have perpetuated commodity-based develop-ment models in the Global South, which are linked with negative socio-ecolog-ical effects. In this paper, we assess China’s engagement in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, by analysing China’s outward financial flows. We show that these flows reflect China’s growth model, but also vary by destination, given the regionally prevailing development strategies. We argue that whether new Chinese policies for more resource efficiency will trigger more sustainable development models in these regions, depends on these regions’ existing rela-tionships and experiences with China. However, the risks for continued extrac-tivism remain high.
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Green Finance and Transnational Capitalist Classes - Tracing Vested Capital Interests in Renewable Energy Investment in South Africa
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The Humanitarian-Development Nexus and the Jordan Compact: Tensions and Trajectories in Global Capitalism
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The Humanitarian-Development Nexus and the Jordan Compact: Tensions and Trajectories in Global Capitalism Abstract The humanitarian-development nexus (HDN) frames protracted refugee situations as win-win development opportunities, building on dominant tropes like sustainable development and global risk manage-ment. Focusing on the Jordan Compact as part of the HDN, we question for whom it presents opportunities, highlighting its politics and tensions. We argue that the HDN and Jordan Compact are not win-win strategies whereby refu-gees and host countries benefit equally, but rather fail forward strategies with longstanding material roots in the power relations and paradoxes of global capitalism. Moreover, the neoliberal fail forward practices both frameworks embody legitimate themselves by depoliticising capitalism’s underlying contra-dictions. We highlight how the HDN, similar to its undergirding tropes, is a political project that advances the interests of private actors over those of its intended beneficiaries.
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The Energy Sector and Socio-Ecological Transformation: Europe in the Global Context
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Transformative co-educational processes through multi-stakeholder collaboration require methods by means of which differences between participating actors can contribute to building common grounds. Transformative Learning Tours is a method that promotes movement in time and space, creating common grounds through the constant dialogue between collective reflection and practice, or praxis. This method of exchange of experiences is based on a peasant-to-peasant approach and the concept of movement as a means to strengthen human (and non-human) connections, by balancing the senses in the learning process. Inspired by the agroecological caravans in Brazil, the tours integrate art, music, and envisioning as important elements of action research. During this process, peasants and other community members become knowledge experts, opening spaces for more horizontal dialogues. Participants critically read the past and collectively dream about a future. This article describes the Transformative Learning Tours method and how it in corporates Freirean principles. We reflect upon the scope and limitations of this method in the specific context of the Forest Stewards Network in Xalapa, Mexico. We share the method’s different stages, principles and conditions, as well as the type of facilitation and context that have enhanced this process, while positioning movement as an epistemic approach.
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Territory, movement, participatory action research, transformative learning, Freire
From Water to Wine: Becoming Middle Class in Angola
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Book Review