26. Jänner 2018, 13:00-15:00 - C3, Sensengasse 3 1090 Wien, Audre Lorde Studio

Go east? The political economy of China and the future of South-North relations


China is one of the most important creditors of the global South and invests in all continents. Investments range from mining and infrastructure to manufacturing. The discussion about the impact of China’s outward investment on the prospect of development abounds. While some argue that the global South will benefit, others claim that China replicates the practice of traditional core countries.

This workshop will convene a conversation about the new dynamics of cooperation and conflict, driven by the rise of China. Our special focus is on rivalries, dependencies and uneven development in the region and beyond.



Minqi Li, University of Utah, and

Dorothy Guerrero, Global Justice Now


Chair: Karin Fischer, Mattersburger Kreis/VIDC

Welcome & introduction: Martina Neuwirth, VIDC

We will explore the following questions:

  • What is the driver for China`s capital export?
  • Is China an “alternative globalizer”, creating a new context of development, or does it repeat old patterns of colonial exploitation?
  • China is the center of manufacturing exports in the global economy. Is this growth model sustainable?
  • What are spatial, social and economic limits to capitalist accumulation posed by a region as big as China?


Officials, scholars, students and members of NGOs interested in global political economy and development are cordially invited to attend. The workshop will be held in English. For organizational reasons please register: office@mattersburgerkreis.at


Minqi Li: Professor at the Department of Economics at the University of Utah. He researches global investments, financial flows and global imbalances with a particular focus on China and the US. Related work on the global ecological crisis and his world systems approach make him think about the very future of capitalism. Latest books: China and the Twenty-First Century Crisis (2015); Peak Oil, Climate Change, and the Limits to China’s Economic Growth (2014).


Dorothy Guerrero: Global Justice Now, London. She previously worked with Focus on the Global South (Bangkok), Asienhaus Deutschland and the Institute for Popular Democracy in the Philippines. She works on and writes about climate change and the impacts of world trade and investments on people’s livelihoods in Asia. Her publications on China‘s new role in the global political economy: https://www.tni.org/en/profile/dorothy-grace-guerrero




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