The spread of neoliberalism has increasingly delegitimised (open) state intervention in the economy in many countries around the world. This ‘retreat of the state’ becomes visible in many different fields, including that of industrial policy. In the wake of the global
financial and economic crisis, there has been a revival in the debate on industrial policy among private and state actors, as a potential way to cope with the crisis.
This special issue of the Austrian Journal of Development Studies aims at uniting different approaches to industrial policy with a progressive stance. Certain articles in this issue discuss the role of industry in the economy, outlining what shape a genuinely progressive industrial policy could take today, which branches it needs to stimulate, what its components must constitute to foster development, and how it could be implemented
in various regions of the world. Other articles critically assess experiences of industrial policy implementation in the global South and discuss them with regard to the degree of their progressiveness.
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This paper aims to analyse the feasibility of the return of industrial policies to foster development as a post-neoliberal alternative in the era of globalisation. With Partido dos Trabalhadores government, Brazil was considered one of the main countries in the Pink Tide. The government plan promised to foster industry modernisation and reduce poverty by bringing the state back into the picture to coordinate a project between public institutions, private sector and civil society in order to improve the country’s position in the global economy. This paper thus analyses PT industrial policies to investigate the characteristics of a post-neoliberal development model in Latin America as an alternative to neoliberalism.
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Global production and trade is significantly organised by Transnational Companies (TNC). In this article, I will argue that even if one considers industrial development as a proxy for development or leading to development in a broad sense, the prospects for ‘progress’ in contemporary capitalism are very limited. I will revisit theory, method, and proxies for ‘development’ and ‘industrial development’, as used by Arrighi and Drangel (1986) and Arrighi et al. (2003). I will adapt their approach for a core-periphery typology in the EU, and use it in order to estimate industrial convergence compared with convergence in ‘development’ (in EU language: convergence and cohesion). Furthermore, I will suggest additional proxies to estimate (spatial) politico-economic power in the hierarchy of TNC capitalism. I will close with concluding remarks on policies, from a dependency perspective.
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Since the global economic and financial crisis, industrial policy has enjoyed a stunning revival. In the face of the structural imbalances in the European Union, different sides have proposed industrial policy as a way to overcome the crisis and to reduce unequal development. Left forces elaborated concepts of ‘progressive’ industrial policy, mainly with a post-Keynesian orientation. However, does this orientation make industrial policy genuinely progressive? After introducing the key rationales and proposals, this paper makes three specific contributions to the lively current debate on progressive industrial policy: (1) adding the dimension of politics, power relations and hegemony to the discussion of progressive industrial policy; (2) starting the process of substantiating buzzwords of the current debate, such as ecological sustainability, labour and democratic participation, and gender-sensitivity and (3) taking into account the question of core-periphery relations within the EU and what can be learned from debates on the Global South. We conclude that progressive industrial policy may constitute a remedy for Europe, but that the development of a genuinely progressive industrial policy on a regional scale faces multiple difficulties. In many respects, the national and sub-regional level still seems to leave more room for manoeuvre than on the EU level.
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industrial policy, European Union, servitisation of industry, Industry 4.0, manufacturing